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What Are the Strongest Cannabinoids?

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Cannabis, a plant known for its diverse array of compounds, includes a fascinating group called cannabinoids. While THC (delta 9 THC) and CBD are the most renowned, this captivating class comprises numerous other members that deserve attention. With over 100 naturally occurring cannabinoids, users often inquire about the comparative potency of these compounds. In this guide, we delve into cannabis potency, focusing on THC and CBD, to help you identify the cannabinoid that delivers the most robust psychoactive effects.

What Are Cannabinoids?

Ever wondered why lighting up a joint or trying a cannabis-infused treat can lead to various reactions? It’s all thanks to something called cannabinoids, which are like the tiny superheroes in the cannabis plant.

When you puff on a joint, munch on an edible, or let a special liquid go under your tongue, these natural chemicals in cannabis jump into action. They’re like messengers that tell your body how to feel and what to do.

Although cannabis is a top spot to find cannabinoids, they’re not exclusive. The name “cannabinoids” doesn’t just mean stuff from cannabis. It can include anything that might talk to your body’s endocannabinoid systemā€”a system that helps your body work smoothly. Yep, these tiny helpers are also found in people and other plants. Some clever minds can even make them in a lab!

Different cannabinoids can do different things. Some might make you feel relaxed, while others could bring on the munchiesā€”those strong feelings of wanting to eat everything in sight. It’s like a group of friends, each with special talents, making your cannabis experience unique.

So, which cannabinoid is the toughest of them all? That’s a mystery waiting to be solved! Each one has its superpowers, affecting your body in its special way. With this guide, you’re trying to uncover what each cannabinoid does and determine which packs the strongest punch.

Types of Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids, the tiny superheroes in plants and bodies, come in three groups. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Endocannabinoids: Our Body’s Helpers

Imagine having your very own team of cannabinoids inside your body! Mammals, which includes us humans, have special cannabinoids called endocannabinoids. These little helpers are always there, ensuring things run smoothly in our bodies.

Phytocannabinoids: Plants with Superpowers

Plants, like the cannabis plant and a few others, also have their own set of cannabinoids. We call them phytocannabinoids. Like superheroes have unique powers, these phytocannabinoids do special things for the plants that produce them.

Synthetic Cannabinoids: Lab-Created Creators

Now, picture scientists in labs, mixing and matching to create cannabinoids. These are called synthetic cannabinoids. They’re like the superheroes that humans create! These lab-made cannabinoids have their strengths and uses.

In a nutshell, cannabinoids are divided into three groups: the ones in our bodies (endocannabinoids), the ones in plants (phytocannabinoids), and the ones made in labs (synthetic cannabinoids). Each group has its role to play in the fascinating world of cannabinoids!

Endocannabinoids (endogenous cannabinoids)

Did you know your body has its special helpers called endocannabinoids? These tiny substances are like secret agents, working to keep things running smoothly inside you.

Different body parts, like organs and tissues make endocannabinoids. They’re like the body’s version of cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. Just remember, “endo” or “endogenous” means “inside,” and that’s where these helpers come from.

These special agents help your body with important jobs. They ensure things like pain, memory, mood, sleep, and how you react to stress are balanced. The main endocannabinoids are 2-AG and anandamide (AEA for short). Think of them as the superheroes that ensure your body’s important processes work smoothly.

So, next time you feel great or your body responds well to something; you might just have your endocannabinoids to thank for keeping things in harmony!


Plants have a secret ingredient called phytocannabinoids, and one of the richest sources of these special compounds is the cannabis plant. Picture them as nature’s treasure trove!

In the world of plants, the cannabis plant stands out as the superstar of phytocannabinoids. Believe it or not, there are over 150 different types of phytocannabinoids hiding inside this plant.

Here’s a cool twist: the cannabis plant doesn’t make phytocannabinoids directly. Instead, it cooks up cannabinoid acids, like THCA and CBDA. It’s like they’re getting ready for a transformation. These acids need a little nudge to turn into the well-known cannabinoids we love, such as THC and CBD.

But wait, there’s more! Phytocannabinoids aren’t just for cannabis anymore. Recent discoveries show that other plants like black pepper, cocoa, echinacea, rhododendrons, and even black truffles have special substances that affect our body’s endocannabinoid receptors. While they’re not the same as the cannabinoids in cannabis, they can create similar effects.

So, from the cannabis plant to surprising sources like black pepper, plants are full of phytocannabinoid magic waiting to be explored!

Synthetic Cannabinoids

Imagine creating something amazing using chemicals ā€“ that’s exactly how synthetic cannabinoids are born! These special substances don’t come from plants or our bodies; clever lab scientists make them.

Picture this: over 200 different synthetic cannabinoids exist, designed to interact strongly with the cannabinoid receptors in our bodies. It’s like they’re secret keys that unlock specific reactions.

Here’s a fascinating example: AMB-FUBINACA. This synthetic cannabinoid is like a superhero with powers 75 times stronger than THC, the superstar cannabinoid in cannabis. But there’s a twist. While they have their strengths, some synthetic cannabinoids can be a bit tricky. They might lead to things like anxiety and paranoia or even slow our brains.

So, while synthetic cannabinoids bring a world of possibilities, they also come with caution. Scientists are still figuring out their safety. It’s a bit like a thrilling adventure with ups and downs as we explore these man-made wonders.

Working Mechanism of Cannabinoids

Did you know our bodies have a special system that responds to cannabinoids? It’s called the endocannabinoid system, like a lock-and-key system.

Endocannabinoids are like keys that fit perfectly into our body’s locks, called cannabinoid receptors. But here’s the cool part: not just our body’s keys work. Cannabis has its own set of keys, too, called phytocannabinoids. They look like our body’s keys and can also fit into those receptors.

When these keys fit into the receptors, they can make things happen in our bodies. Like, imagine THC is a key. When it fits into the receptors, it might make us feel happier and less uncomfortable and even change how we feel as time passes. Then there’s CBD, another key. It could help reduce bad things happening in our bodies.

But wait, there’s more! Cannabinoids are like little messengers. They don’t just talk to cannabinoid receptors; they also chat with other body parts. Think of it like they’re sending texts to different friends. And depending on how strong the connection is between the cannabinoid and the receptor, they can cause different effects.

So, the next time you hear about cannabinoids, remember it’s like a special language our body understands, and it can create lots of different reactions in our amazing human machine!

Factors Behind Cannabinoid Potency

When we talk about a cannabinoid’s potency, we talk about how powerful it affects your mind. It’s like the strength behind a magical experience!

Now, let’s get a bit scientific. The potency of a cannabinoid is all about how well it connects with special receptors in your body called endocannabinoid receptors. These receptors are doors, and the cannabinoids hold the keys.

Imagine this: there’s a special part of the cannabinoid called an “alkyl side chain.” This part is like the secret code that decides the effect’s strength. For example, THC, the famous cannabinoid that gives you that trippy feeling, has a specific alkyl side chain with carbon atoms.

Here’s the interesting bit: the more carbon atoms in this side chain, the stronger the effect. Picture it like a puzzle piece that fits just right into your receptors. A cannabinoid with eight carbon atoms in its side chain could be the most potent, creating the strongest experience.

But not all molecules can join the receptor party. Those with less than three carbon atoms won’t connect, so no magical feelings exist. When you have around three carbon atoms, you might feel a bit of a buzz. And guess what? The buzz gets bigger with more carbon atoms.

Changing other parts of the cannabinoid’s structure can also change its potency and how well it fits those special receptors.

So, next time you hear about a cannabinoid’s potency, remember it’s like a magical key fitting perfectly into a lock, creating a unique and powerful experience in your mind!

Identifying the Most Powerful Cannabinoid

When it comes to cannabinoids, they’re not all the same. Some are superheroes with more power than others. Think of it as a special team where each member brings a unique strength.

Cannabis plants hold a bunch of these cannabinoids, each with its own story to tell. Scientists have been working hard figuring out how these cannabinoids work their magic.

Imagine this: scientists look closely at how each cannabinoid connects with different parts of our body. It’s like they’re matching puzzle pieces to see which one fits best. And then they run tests to make sure they got it right.

Here’s the exciting part: we’ve got a list of these cannabinoids, ranked from the strongest to the not-so-strong. It’s like discovering the power levels of your favorite superheroes!

So, get ready to dive into cannabinoids and find out which ones are the mightiest. It’s a journey through science and discovery, all to understand these amazing compounds a little better!

1. THCP ( Strongest Natural Cannabinoid)

Meet THCP, the strongest natural superhero in the world of cannabinoids! It’s like the captain of the team, known for its incredible potency.

THCP is a recently discovered cousin of THC, another famous cannabinoid. Scientists discovered that THCP is incredibly strong ā€“ some say it’s even 33 times mightier than regular THC. But after careful testing, its power might be more than 10 times stronger.

Here’s the cool part: THCP is a natural wonder found in hemp and marijuana, although in small amounts. It’s like a hidden gem waiting to be uncovered.

Now, let’s talk about science. The only difference between THCP and THC is that THCP has two extra carbon atoms in its special part, the alkyl side chain. Think of it as an extra piece that makes THCP super powerful.

When you use a bit of THCP, you might feel way more lifted than regular THC. It’s like getting an extra boost!

Even though scientists only found THCP in 2019, some people think it’s been around for a while. And get this: THCP might be why some types of cannabis make you feel more “out there” than others.

THCP was a happy accident discovery by the UNIHEMP research group. They looked at the chemicals in a strain called FM2 and found THCP, along with another cousin called CBDP. Although CBDP doesn’t do much with our body’s special system, THCP sure does!

So, next time you think about cannabinoids, remember THCP ā€“ the powerful superstar with an extra punch that nature gave us.

2. THC-O

Introducing THC-O, the superhero version of THC! It’s like THC but with a cool twist that makes it super strong.

You might hear folks call it THC Acetate, made in a lab. Imagine it as a special version of THC created by scientists. We also call it THC-O-Acetate for short.

Now, let’s get into the science stuff. THC-O has the same number of carbon atoms in its special part as regular THC. But there’s a tiny change ā€“ it swaps a hydroxy group for an acetate group. It’s like trading one puzzle piece for another, but it makes a big difference.

This swap makes THC-O super easy for our bodies to absorb. When you take it, your body can use more of it, which is why it’s super potent. It’s like upgrading a regular car to a super-fast one!

And here’s the cool part: when your body processes THC-O, it turns into Delta 9 THC, the familiar cannabinoid. It’s like a secret transformation that happens inside you.

So, next time you’re curious about cannabinoids, remember THC-O ā€“ the super-charged cousin of THC that packs a punch and takes your experience to a whole new level!

3. Delta 9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Let’s meet Delta 9 THC, a superstar among cannabinoids! People also call it by its full name, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, but let’s keep it simple and call it Delta 9 THC.

Delta 9 THC is like the pack’s leader giving that special feeling. It’s the main character in cannabinoids, especially when making you feel high. People enjoy the effects of Delta 9 THC, which is why it’s famous.

Picture this: Delta 9 THC is like the MVP of the cannabis plant. It’s the most famous and most loved among all the cannabinoids. And guess what? It’s the one that gets compared to all the others when discussing strength.

Now, let’s talk a bit about science. Delta 9 THC has a special part called an alkyl side chain comprising five carbon atoms. It also has a hydroxy group. Think of it as a secret code that helps it connect with special parts of our body called CB1 receptors.

These special connections make Delta 9 THC super effective at what it does. When it fits into those CB1 receptors, it creates those well-known effects many people enjoy.

So, remember Delta 9 THC ā€“ the superstar famous for its high-making abilities and unique connections in our body. It’s like the leader of the cannabinoid team, creating experiences that many people love!

4. HHC (hexahydrocannabinol)

Let’s talk about HHC, a close relative of THC that’s like its chill cousin. In 1944, a smart chemist named Roger Adams worked magic and turned Delta-9 THC into something new – HHC. It’s like THC’s alter ego!

Now, let’s get into some science stuff. THC goes through a special process called hydrogenation to become HHC. It’s like giving THC a little makeover to create HHC. Think of it as adding extra hydrogen molecules to THC to transform it.

HHC is like a more stable version of THC. They’re similar in some ways like they come from the same family. But here’s the cool part: HHC has extra hydrogen atoms that make it slightly different. It’s like giving it a secret ingredient that changes how it works.

Because of these changes, HHC is about 80% as strong as regular Delta 9 THC. It’s like a toned-down version, but it still knows how to have some fun.

When HHC meets our body’s special parts called CB1 receptors, it’s not a perfect fit like Delta 9 THC. It’s like wearing a cozy sweater that’s not too tight. That’s why HHC gives us a different experience, not as intense as the famous Delta 9 THC.

So, next time you hear about HHC, remember it’s like THC’s chill cousin. It’s a bit different, but it still knows how to make things interesting in our amazing bodies!

5. Delta 8 THC

Let’s dive into the world of Delta 8 THC, a cousin of Delta 9 THC that brings its twist to the party. They might look alike, but they’ve got some cool differences.

Picture this: Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC have similar structures like those from the same family. But here’s the fun part: how they’re built is slightly different. It’s like having the same ingredients but making a new recipe!

In Delta 8 THC, the special part with a double bond is on the eighth carbon. That sets it apart from Delta 9 THC, which has it on the ninth carbon. It’s like a tiny change that makes a big difference.

Now, let’s talk about science. Because of this change, Delta 8 THC uniquely connects with our body’s special system, the endocannabinoid system. It’s like fitting a puzzle piece in a different spot. And guess what? Because of this, Delta 8 THC is a bit milder than regular THC.

Think of it as a gentle wave instead of a big splash. Delta 8 THC is about 50ā€“65% less powerful than Delta 9 THC. People who’ve tried it often say it makes them feel relaxed and a bit different but without the strong effects of regular THC.

But here’s the twist: we still need more research to understand all the magic behind Delta 8 THC. It’s like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

So, remember Delta 8 THC ā€“ the cool cousin of Delta 9 THC that brings a different vibe and makes our body’s special system dance uniquely!

6. Delta 10 THC

Let’s look closer at Delta 10 THC, a fellow cannabinoid like a cousin of the more well-known Delta 9 THC. They might have a similar vibe, but a small twist makes Delta 10 THC unique.

Think of Delta 10 THC as a hidden gem in the cannabis plant. It’s not as common, but it can still give you that lifted feeling, just like regular THC (Delta 9). Imagine it as a friend who’s a bit more chill but still knows how to have fun.

Here’s the science part: Delta 10 THC and Delta 9 THC are like siblings with a similar look. But the special difference is where they have a double bond in their carbon chain. In Delta 10 THC, it’s in position ten, while in Delta 9 THC, it’s in position nine. It’s like a secret code that changes their effects a bit.

Delta 10 THC is about 50% stronger than Delta 9 THC. It can give you more oomph, like an extra energy boost. Many people who’ve tried it say they feel more lively, in a better mood, and even more focused.

Imagine it as a cup of coffee for your mind, giving you that extra pep in your step. And just like our other cannabinoid friends, Delta 10 THC has its unique way of making our body’s special system dance.

So, next time you’re curious about cannabinoids, remember Delta 10 THC ā€“ the slightly stronger cousin that knows how to bring more energy and positivity to your day!


Let’s dive into THCV, a special molecule found in cannabis that brings its own set of effects. It’s like a mysterious friend who has a unique way of making things interesting.

Meet Jordan Tishler, an expert on cannabis and a teacher at Harvard Medical School. He tells us THCV is quite interesting because it has two big effects, like its cousin THC. But here’s the twist: THCV has special ingredients that make it different.

Think of THCV as a close relative of THC but with its style. It’s like they come from the same family but have their unique talents.

Now, let’s talk about science. THCV has a part called an “alkyl side chain” with three carbon atoms, just like Delta 9 THC. But here’s the cool part: THCV is about 25% stronger than Delta 9 THC. It’s like a lighter version of the famous THC.

Here’s the exciting bit: although THCV and THC look similar in their building blocks, they’re still different. It’s like having two friends who look alike but have their personalities.

THCV is a bit like a rare gem in the cannabis world. It’s uncommon, so we’re still learning about it. People are working hard to understand THCV better and even create special strains.

So, next time you hear about THCV, remember it’s like a unique character in cannabinoids, with its style and effects that add a little extra sparkle to the cannabis experience!

8. CBN

Let’s uncover the world of CBN, a cannabinoid that’s like a hidden gem in the cannabis world. It’s not as famous, but it still brings its special magic.

Think of CBN as a close cousin of Delta 9 THC. CBN has a part called an “alkyl side chain” with five carbon atoms, just like Delta 9 THC. But here’s the cool part: CBN has a little twist in its carbon ring. It’s like a secret recipe that changes things up a bit.

Here’s the interesting bit: THC changes over time and turns into CBN. It’s like a transformation that keeps some of the good stuff from THC.

Now, let’s talk about science. Even though CBN and Delta 9 THC might look similar, they’re not quite the same regarding their effects. CBN is a bit like a softer version of Delta 9 THC.

Imagine it as a cozy blanket that wraps around you, giving you a gentle feeling. CBN doesn’t bind as tightly to our body’s special parts, the CB1 receptors. This makes its effects a bit milder.

CBN is about 10% stronger than Delta 9 THC. It’s like a subtle upgrade that still keeps things gentle and easy.

So, next time you hear about CBN, remember it’s like a quiet powerhouse in cannabinoids. It might not be as loud, but it brings unique charm and effects to the cannabis experience!

9. CBD & Other Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids

Let’s take a closer look at CBD and its pals ā€“ a group of cannabinoids that bring a different kind of vibe to the table. They might not give you that famous high, but they have special effects.

Imagine this: we can put CBD, CBC, CBDV, CBCV, and THCC in the same group. These cannabinoids are like the gentle crew that doesn’t make you feel high. It’s like having friends who are chill and relaxed.

Now, let’s talk about science. These cannabinoids don’t directly activate the CB1 receptors in our body. That’s why they don’t give you that well-known high feeling. Even if you use many of them, the effects won’t be strong.

But here’s the cool part: these cannabinoids can still make you feel something. It’s like a gentle wave that washes over you. People who’ve tried them say they feel lighter or heavier like they’re more at ease.

Think of it as a cozy hug from a friend that makes you feel good. Even though they’re not as famous as the other cannabinoids, they still know how to bring a smile to your face.

And guess what? If you’re curious about CBD and how it’s different from Delta 8, you can read more about it in our latest post. It’s like diving into a book and learning some cool new things!

So, next time you think about CBD and its buddies, remember they’re like gentle companions in cannabinoids, making you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease!

10. CBG

Let’s dive into the world of CBG, a unique cannabinoid that brings its special balance to the mix. It’s like the peacemaker among cannabinoids!

CBG stands out from the crowd, especially when compared to CBN. It’s like the cool kid who has some special talents. Here’s the scoop: CBG is gentle and doesn’t make you feel high, but it can also help balance the effects of other cannabinoids, like THC.

Imagine this: CBG is like the superhero of cannabinoids. It saves the day by countering some of the strong effects of other cannabinoids, especially THC. It’s like having a friend who can bring harmony to the group.

Now, let’s talk about science. CBG can team up with THC to create a unique blend. It’s like mixing colors to create a beautiful painting. When CBG joins forces with THC, it can make the strong effects of THC feel a bit lighter. This is great for people who want to enjoy THC’s good things without feeling too “stoned.”

Think of it as finding the perfect balance between having fun and staying in control. CBG is like a wise friend who can enjoy the moment without going overboard.

So, next time you’re curious about cannabinoids, remember CBG ā€“ the amazing balancer that adds a touch of harmony to the world of cannabis, giving you the best of both worlds!

What Makes THCP Stronger Than THC-O?

Let’s take a closer look at the strength of THCP, THC-O, and HHC, three different cannabinoids that bring their unique vibes to the cannabis world.

THCP is like the superhero of cannabinoids when it comes to potency. It has a longer alkyl side chain, like a secret code that makes it extra strong. This special side chain, comprised of seven carbon links, helps THCP connect with your body’s cannabinoid receptors powerfully.

Now, let’s talk about science. Your body’s cannabinoid receptors, like little locks, interact with this side chain made of carbon atoms. Think of it as a key that fits perfectly into the lock. To have a strong connection, cannabinoids need at least three carbon atoms in their side chains. And guess what? THCP has the magic number, making it one of the strongest natural THC variations found in cannabis.

But how does it compare to THC-O and HHC? THCP takes the crown as the strongest, being eight to ten times more potent than THC-O. THC-O, in turn, is about four to five times stronger than HHC, another natural cannabinoid.

HHC is like a friendly neighbor in this group. It’s not as intimidating, especially for beginners. It doesn’t give you that super strong elevated feeling. Some folks like to mix HHC with CBD to create a chill and relaxing blend, like a perfect recipe for unwinding.

So, regarding strength, THCP and THC-O take the lead, with HHC bringing a milder touch to the mix. It’s like a trio of friends, each with unique strengths and qualities, making the world of cannabinoids even more fascinating!

Which Cannabinoid Packs the Strongest Punch?

Let’s dig into the world of cannabinoid potency and how it affects how we feel. Think of potency like a superhero’s strength ā€“ the stronger they are, the more impact they have!

When discussing potency, we mean how well a cannabinoid can connect with our special receptors in the endocannabinoid system. It’s like a key fitting perfectly into a lock. The stronger the connection, the stronger the effects ā€“ like feeling relaxed or happy.

Now, let’s talk about THCP. It’s like the superstar of potency, being a whopping 30 times stronger than Delta 9 THC. Why? THCP has a special part called an “alkyl side chain” with more carbon atoms. It’s like having extra arms to hug those receptors tightly, creating a super strong bond.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve got a bunch of other cannabinoids, too, like THC-O, HHC, Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC, THCV, and CBN. They all bring their strengths to the party. Even though they might not be as strong as THCP, they still know how to make you feel good.

Think of it like a team of heroes ā€“ some might be stronger than others, but they all make you feel amazing. So, whether it’s a powerful punch from THCP or a gentle touch from the others, these cannabinoids bring their magic to the cannabis experience!

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